If I told you I can give you the brain of a millionaire, in the next 7 days…
Would you take it?
If I told you, you could get that millionaire brain, and be propelled almost effortlessly towards a lifetime of true wealth…
Just by watching a few movie previews…
Would you do it?
Think that sounds impossible?
Well buckle up. Hold onto your hat. Because here we go.
You’re skeptical. You’ve heard big claims before and they didn’t pan out. I get it. If you are anything like I was…
You’re also frustrated…
Frustrated that there never seems to be enough month left at the end of the money. That your dreams of retirement are fading, and your expenses keep going up.
Some of you are carrying debts you can’t ever seem to shake. Others have tried starting businesses that flop…
Or they succeed and wind up being just as much work as your old job.
You secretly ask yourself…is this it? Is this what the rest of my life is going to look like?
You know deep inside that unless something big changes, this is exactly what the rest of your life is going to look like…
If you can relate to that, I have very good news for you.
The answer to all of this, Is right under your nose…You’re about to discover what separates you…
From a Bill Gates. Or a Steve Jobs. This secret is the reason that the rich will continue to get richer.
And the poor keep getting poorer…
It’s the real reason you will keep buying course after course about how to make money.
And while your bank account continues to hover around empty, in just 5 minutes into this video.
You’ll know that secret…And when you do…You’ll know exactly how to turn your life around 180 degrees…
Easily Create Incredible And Dependable
Wealth In Your Life Faster Than You Ever
Dreamed Possible
For the rest of your life. So I urge you…
Remove every distraction around you.
Turn off your phone.
Lock the door…
Turn up the volume…
And stay completely focused until this video is totally finished.
Because in addition to learning this secret…I’m going to give you something for FREE at the end of this video that can make you a tremendous amount of money on its own….
We’ll be removing that gift in a few days. This is probably your only shot at getting it.
I’m Winter Vee.
And I am the owner of the fastest growing online company in the world. And I also consult for Fortune 500 companies regularly on how to help them reach their growth potential.
And I have something to tell you.
If you aren’t where you want to be financially…Listen carefully.
It’s not your fault.
There’s A Force Going On Behind The Scenes
That’s Far More Powerful Than All Of That.
Something that’s decided how your life was going to go when you were just a child. Something that affects how every other method you were ever taught about how to be wealthy works…
To understand what it is there’s a story you need to hear…
It was Columbia Ave in Portland, Oregon. There I was drunk… behind the wheel of a Toyota Matrix that had completely lost traction with the road…

As that car spun round… any sane person would have gripped that wheel like a bear protecting its cub.
Me? I took my hands off the wheel. Because in that single moment… in the calm of the eye of the storm… I was happy to die.
You’re probably wondering how I got to that point. And I’ll tell you. You can call it bad karma. You can call it bad luck. Or a punishment from God.
It’s up to you… All I know was…
In The Year 2012, Life Had Dealt Me
A Merciless Beat Down.
It started with a buzz on my cell phone….It was about my mother. She had been battling some health issues, and thus far it was an ‘unknown disease’. She was being rushed to the hospital. They really had no way of treating it. Experts flew in from everywhere.
It went on for months. Until she became TRAPPED in her own body, unable to communicate or even Ultimately… she choose to end her life…
No, she didn’t silently one night kill herself. She took advantage of some laws in her home state, which allowed her to ingest an actual death pill…
Her demise was scheduled on a Monday morning. I painfully remember the days leading up to that Monday. The state provided assistance in what was needed. She took her Pill. She took a lot longer to go than she was supposed to.
I held her in my arms as she breathed her last breath, whispering to her that her children would all be ok…You’d think I’d have a minute to mourn for my Mom. I didn’t have a second.
…I was trapped in a relationship with an abusive girlfriend that I didn’t know how to leave.
I was also trapped in debt, because a few wrong moves in my catering business left me in debt to the IRS to the tune of $32,000 that I had no way of paying back.
And guess what?
When you’re over 25K in debt to the IRS they don’t accept instalment plans. How kind of them. They would be levying my bank account soon… I took a low paying IT job to try to stop the bleeding…
But I lost that job… On my 26th birthday. 2 days before Christmas.
With no end in sight to this real life horror film…I turned to the bottle…One shot led to another. And before I even knew what was happening…I was a raging alcoholic.
I know it seems hard to believe that all this could happen to one person in a single year. I didn’t believe it either.
Which is why I had to drink enough to make sure I never had to face it. That’s why I embraced death that night in the car…
Because whatever death was, it couldn’t possibly be worse than what I was feeling…
As of today I haven’t had a drink in 23 months.
And see that?
That’s me JUMPING out of a plane in New Zealand, TOTALLY SOBER.

And this?
This is what I call home now.

These are my cars…

Since that bad accident, I’ve made well over 1.5 million dollars from an online business I started…
Making me the fastest growing internet marketer to date. Which is why everywhere I go, everyone pesters me constantly with the same question:
“So what’s your secret?”
And we’ll get to that now. Well, after surviving the drunk driving incident, I found myself in jail. For several days.
With no booze to dull my emotions. No real distractions. There was just me and my thoughts. And something really took me a sudden.
I began to notice all the negativity floating around in my head… About life.
About myself.
About my abilities to do anything right.
How I’m no good with money. How I didn’t do enough for my mom. How I will never find someone who truly cares about me.
Why was I thinking like this? I’d never thought like that before…
It was like I’d been poisoned with mental toxins somewhere down the line.
Ever since the tragedy with my mother…that event kicked off a destructive pattern that was destroying my life…
It was my own mind that had become my enemy.
When I got out, I went online to find something that would get me out of the real prison…The mental prison I’d created for myself..
I tried it all. Maybe I was just stubborn. Not really sure. All I know is. I bought about 20 different personal development products….
Nothing worked on me. Still addicted. Still broke. And still angry. I religiously practiced the law of attraction…
I tried Hypnotherapists, Meditation Therapy.
I got this feeling that something was missing…Like I was looking in the wrong place…
The problem was deeper than my thoughts…because my thoughts just kept snapping back to the way they used to be…no matter what I did.
“From the brain comes all joys, delights, laughter and sports, and sorrows, griefs, despondency and lamentations.”
“By the brain we become mad and delirious, and fears and terrors assail us… All these things we endure from the brain, when it is not healthy…” I started to think about it.
What if my brain was behind all of this?
Maybe my brain was the reason I wasn’t able to “think and grow rich”.
The more I thought about it…The more it made sense to me. I’m a programmer, and I know that if your hardware is shot…
You can have the best software, and it just won’t work. And if you pour the best wine…Into a broken glass.. Well that won’t work either.
I figured that’s sorta what’s been happening with all the work everyone is doing with their thoughts…All their hard work is falling through the cracks…I had no job. And I love to learn new things.
So I went all in and spent over 100 hours researching the brain…And this is what I found out…
Your brain has over 100 billion neurons. Sort of like cities.
But these cities are not all connected. If neurons have highways (called synapses) connecting them to each other. The electrical signal flows and that part of the brain works better…

What I discovered next was huge.
After it was all said and done, I realized that if you saw a map of these neural connections, you will see a map of your life.
It’s amazing.
Your brain is basically a roadmap that decides what direction your life will take.
It decides how you react. How you process information. How much motivation you have. How much musical talent you have.

And most importantly…The creativity, planning ability, and motivation that makes people rich. Well it turns out…
And most other people’s brains are conditioned another…
THAT is the only difference between you and a Bill Gates….
If he hadn’t made money with Microsoft, he’d of made money somewhere else.

He has a rich person’s brain…
That’s why when rich people start one business successfully, they usually are successful with the others too. Because it doesn’t really matter what business they are in…
They are wired for success. It just comes to them naturally.
They have very strong neural connections, in the qualities that make you successful with money.
Then there’s ‘the rest of us’…We’ve got roadblocks in those areas.
We try to break through to wealth, but we just keep hitting up against the wall and going back home, because those pathways just aren’t open to us.
It’s like we’re stuck on repeat. That’s why each day seems a little like Groundhog Day…
You go to the same job… taking the same roads… Drinking the same coffee…And getting the same results…

But how do you change it? Is it even possible to change it?
Well nobody thought you could. Until scientists discovered, only recently, something called brain plasticity.. The ability to reshape your brain.
This was the golden nugget that I was looking for.
I spent another 75 hours…Just on brain plasticity.
I figured if I could reshape my brain,
I could reshape my life.
I went through hundreds of government studies, hundreds of academic research papers…I knew the librarian like a brother…Until I’d read every article I could about brain plasticity.
Then I delved into the medical research….Until one day…I discovered a small government funded study done in 1993 with 50 College students.
In this experiment, they found they were able to create radical changes in neural function, allowing them to get 25% improvement in a new skill in just 7 days.
Just 7 days to a new brain! How was this possible? I found out the strategy they were using…
I couldn’t believe it. This was a true breakthrough…How ‘come I didn’t hear about this on the news…I didn’t know, but I knew it was powerful…
Money problems were at the top of my mind…So one of my first thoughts was what if I used to for wealth… What if I could use it to get me out of this financial mess?
So I started using the method…
For all the key parts of the brain needed for money making…Tweaking them… to make them work for me…and for that specific purpose… It was really weird…But after a few weeks of doing this…
I noticed my attitude started to change…
I started to see things more clearly…
My dreams about money just came more into focus and became more real to me… More doable.
Suddenly I knew exactly what I needed to do…And with no hesitation. I started to do it.
All that procrastination, and laziness that was keeping me on the couch, was gone.
I started to really enjoy the work I was doing. It just flowed…
Ideas started to come.
Good solid ideas… I started moving forward… And I was actually attracting partnerships…
And I was actually attracting partnerships…that I never was able to get…people just looked at me differently.
Like I was going somewhere…
I launched my first product, and it took off… Making $22,489 in the first week I launched.
I was shocked. The next week it made $45,489. Now I was floored.
It kept growing from there… I had to hire 3 support reps. just to keep up… By the end of the year… I turned around and realized…I had netted over 1.2 million dollars…
I had cleared all of my debts… Bought my first home… paid in cash…And a girlfriend who I absolutely love… and who loves me back just the same… It all came back to that method…
The method was great… But it took a lot of time and effort to do…
The programmer in me asked… How could I make this more efficient…
I wanted to see even bigger results even faster… and why not make it more fun… so I actually enjoy doing it.
I was watching a movie preview at the time…and I thought to myself… everybody loves movie previews…and they really seem to really have a big impact on us at a deep emotional level…
How much more powerful would that be?