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Home » Multi-Family Investors Subgroup

Multi-Family Investors Subgroup


4527 N 16th St #105 Phoenix AZ 85016

Come learn how large multifamily assets are different from small ones. Here we’ll discuss everything from finding the asset to managing the manager to determining your exit strategy. And there are different ways to profit from a multifamily deal, by collecting acquisition fees, participating as a key principle, or investing as a limited partner.
Discussion/Educational Topics Include: Syndication, Appraisals, Due Diligence, Types of Financing, Underwriting, Asset Management, Investor Relations, Building a Team, Purchase Criteria, Branding and more.
About the leader: Jose Miller started investing in single-family homes because a friend needed a place to live. After 10 years, he took the leap into multifamily properties, after purchasing a 10-unit in Phoenix. The experience of self-managing his own assets has taught him that acquiring multifamily properties requires building a solid team. In the short time since he got started, he has partnered in other assets with more than 200 units, valued at over $30M.

Meeting Agenda:
30-45 min – Educational Topic of the day
30 min – Who can we help and open discussion
30 min – Networking and building your team
15-30 min – Deal Shares and Goal Setting
Pricing: $5 Standard Members, $0 Plus Members, $20 Non-Members (or AZREIA Lite)

Group Leader: Jose Miller

Phone Number: 480-205-5735

Email address:

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